$Id: peering-policy.html,v 1.5 2001/05/15 04:52:01 kenken Exp $

WIDE (AS2500) IPv6 Peering Policy:

In order to provide more realistic environment, we are negative to configure a BGP4+ peering over a IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel. Rather we'd prefer to have *native* IPv6 peering. We have access the following points:

In near future, it is expected that three locations of 6IIX (New York, Los Angeles, and Santa Clara) will be connted via L2. This means if you happen to have access at 6IIX/NY, we will soon be ready to peer with you natively.

We are also working to have an access at S-IX in San Jose (their web page will soon be available).

If you already have a peering with 6TAP router, you don't have to peer with us directly. 6TAP router provides fairly stable service natively and we have been peer with it since July 1999.

Contact: v6@wide.ad.jp.

Last modified: Thu Apr 12 21:30:09 JST 2001